Friday, January 6, 2012


Confession: I do not cook and I don't teach my girls to cook. My grandfather frequently reminds me that I was very lucky to find Chris because there are not many men who will marry a woman who doesn't cook. I tell my girls, if they want to learn, they need to take a class or ask a relative who does cook.

The one thing I clearly kept a secret was the art of toasting as I do know how to use a toaster. During the summer of 2010, I was out gardening (which is also hilarious), when Allie asked if she could make cheese toast. Either I answered with my standard "uh-hu" or was out of my right mind when I said "yes". About 15 minutes later, Allie came out crying that something went wrong. If you can't tell by this picture, Allie attempted to make cheese toast (cheese and all) in a stand up toaster. We no longer have a toaster, but you'll be happy to hear that she has now mastered the toaster oven.

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