Saturday, January 14, 2012

Winging It

A couple years ago I was at a meeting where a parent asked me if I had any videos on parenting. (This may strike some of you as strange, but if you too worked in the public school system, you would know this is just another day in the life of an educator.) I politely smiled and said "No, I'm just winging it."

As I reflect on 2011, I have a litany of things I should probably do differently or, at best, tweak. My parenting skills make the top of this list. In 2012 I am considering conducting a head count before heading home for the day. There are 3 of them and for whatever reason, I tend to forget one or two from time to time. You may think I am kidding, but it is a weakness, I admit it. Only once have I gotten all the way home and realized I was short a kid. Sadly, it wasn't until the sitter called and said, "do you want me to feed her dinner tonight?". I tried to play off my oversight, but I am not sure she fell for it.

I am also going to try to be a little more observant when I am giving teacher gifts. As a former teacher myself, it is nice to receive a gift intended for me, not another teacher. My deepest apologies to 2 teachers this Christmas, as they were victims of this blunder. Again, with 3 kids, at least 2 teachers each, that is a little more organization than I tend to have on a day to day basis, but I will work on it.

Lastly, I am going to try to be more creative with dinner on the nights Chris is away. If you read the post about Allie and the toaster, you would know that I do not cook. As a matter of fact, I hate to cook. If I could build a house without a kitchen, I would, but I am afraid the resale value would not be as good. So, anyway, I will start small. "Creative" may be defined as a different route home, which would allow for eateries other than the standard McD's, Chick-fil-a, and Wendy's. I firmly believe this counts. I would love to commit to homemade dinners on those evenings, but I know my limits. That is not an attainable goal (for me).

For those of you who are concerned that these changes may limit the number of blog entries, please do not worry; remember, I am just "winging it".

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